Latest News
May 2021
Coronavirus Update
As the Coronavirus restrictions are stating to ease, we are continuing with our robust and comprehensive infection control procedures to ensure the health, safety and well being of out residents, staff and visitors.
All staff with continue to conduct PCR tests on a weekly basis and LFD tests twice a week.
May 2021
Current care home visiting guidelines allows 5 named visitors per resident.
We are operating a booking system for visiting and continue adhere strict infection control procedures to ensure the virus does not spread within the Home.
We appreciate you all want to see your loved ones but areas suitable for visiting is limited and the weather has not been kind. We are working hard to find suitable areas / rooms to accommodate more visiting slots.
Other News
Family Compliment
MS on Facebok
This incredibly beautiful and courageous woman left us yesterday. She was funny, bonkers and strong, she needed to be with four daughters!
Although my heart aches, she is free from this terrible disease and with the love of her life my Dad.
We need to thank each and everyone of the staff members at Wellington House who care for Mum these past 4 years, but especially for the care this last week. They didn't just care for Mum, they cared for use too. To be honest, it is going to tough not having an excuse to come in anymore. Thank you.
Family Compliment
LB on Facebook
Would like to thank all the staff at Longforth House , the NHS and especially staff on Barington Ward who make K's last few days comfortable
Family Compliment
WH on Facebook
Finally got to see Mum after 4 long months. She knew me which was wonderful.
So many thanks to Wellington House for keeping the residents safe. Special thanks for Sandra and Leslie for making the difficult task of social distancing run smoothly.
Visiting is back
Wellington Staff
If you wish to visit please telephone us on 01823 663667 to arrange an appointment. When making an appointment you will be notified of our most current visiting rules, which have been put in place to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing. We hope you will support us and follow these rules when visiting.